All posts tagged: yoga

Thoughts on the Supermoon

Living in a quiet place with almost no light pollution, I have been introduced to, and come to savor, night walks. Occasionally with the iPhone flashlight guiding my way, but most times not, night walks are a time for learning a thing or two or three about what lies up above from a thoughtful, knowledgeable companion, and an invitation to a walking meditation. I have never kept track of the moon as intently as I have this year. I’ve noticed its position in relation to my home, to the river, to the mountains, to my moving car, to my physical self, to my spiritual self… The blood moon of last fall while I was rushing around and hardly ever breathing in New York was a passing elevator conversation that I hardly recall. The supermoon of the last few nights was not. I just came from a yoga class where the instructor concluded by offering up that the supermoon is associated with feelings of gratitude and abundance. Gratitude for our selves and accepting that we are enough. Gratitude for feeling supported by and supportive of those …

An Event-Full Weekend

A panel at Taste Talks Brooklyn about staying current in the ever-changing landscape of food. The last few weeks have just zoomed by. How is it already Wednesday again? How am I just catching you up on three educational/inspirational events from two weekends ago just now? How is it fall already? Ok, enough with the existential questions. Slow Food NYC recently held a series of events with Canadian cheesemaker David Asher, known for tinkering around with molds in his home to get his bloomy rinds just right. I went to the opening night reception in a cave (that was once a 19th century brewery!) somewhere in Brooklyn that I had not yet ventured to before and learned about the history of kefir. How typical of me. Here’s Slow Food USA Executive Director Richard McCarthy introducing David. At first I wondered, “Who is this guy in a suit?!” Most people were wearing Birkenstocks. And then I realized it was him. Alrighty then. Anyways, back to fermentation. According to David, kefir grains originated somewhere in Central Asia. Apparently …

Finding a New Rhythm

This is where the magic happens, folks. Well, when I’m not running around. Throughout high school and college, I learned that there is a fine line for me between “busy but feeling challenged and fulfilled in a good way” and “busy like I just want to stop doing everything because I’m so overwhelmed.” (Note that I did not include grad school in that educational list because looking back, I can see that I will probably never (ok, maybe until I retire) have the amount of time that I had in Bra to just think, listen to podcasts, go for long walks, and read to my heart’s content. Oh man.) Anyways, this first working week in New York has been a bit…stressful. Not content to just do one office internship like a sane person, I signed on for a remote internship, some contract work, and contributing articles too. I’ve gone back and forth between thinking that I have taken on too much and that I just need to give myself more time to figure out when …

July 2015

In a faceoff between avocado toast and rose, the Californian in me has to pick the avo.  Welcome to July! Here are some good, mostly food-related (surprise, anyone?) reads to peruse with an iced tea in a cool place (though obviously not air conditioned in my case because Northern Italy isn’t quite ready for that). The Goddess Pose: The Audacious Life of Indra Devi, the Woman Who Helped Bring Yoga to the West by Michelle Goldberg I read a review of this book a few weeks ago in The New Yorker, so I decided to give it a good ol’ whirl on the Kindle. Warning: there is nothing fluffy in the Lululemon yoga matching outfits kind of sense about this book. I would describe it as a winding biography that has to do with fame/rich Europeans philosophizing about stuff. This woman did some serious globetrotting/schmoozing in her time and while I’m not super convinced that she is the reason that I have a yoga practice today, it’s a solid read for a nerdy, active type such …